Jon Wilson Photography: Blog en-us (C) Jon Wilson Photography [email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:01:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:01:00 GMT Jon Wilson Photography: Blog 120 80 A walk around the grounds of the Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich. Old Naval College, GreenwichOld Naval College, GreenwichOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Old Naval College, GreenwichOld Naval College, GreenwichOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Cute SarkCute SarkOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Old Naval College, GreenwichOld Naval College, GreenwichOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA O2O2OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA West from GreenwichWest from GreenwichOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Canary WharfCanary WharfOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Old Naval College, GreenwichOld Naval College, GreenwichOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Sunset, West from GreenwichSunset, West from GreenwichOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography architecture cityscape evening landscape Wed, 12 Oct 2016 14:28:24 GMT
Hiking through the Cares Gorge (Garganta del Cares), Picos de Europa, Northern Spain. Cares Gorge, Picos de EuropaCares Gorge, Picos de Europa Cares Gorge, Picos de EuropaCares Gorge, Picos de Europa Cares Gorge, Picos de EuropaCares Gorge, Picos de Europa Cares Gorge, Picos de EuropaCares Gorge, Picos de Europa Cares Gorge, Picos de EuropaCares Gorge, Picos de Europa Cares Gorge, Picos de EuropaCares Gorge, Picos de Europa Cares Gorge, Picos de EuropaCares Gorge, Picos de Europa Canal in Cares Gorge, Picos de EuropaCanal in Cares Gorge, Picos de Europa Cares Gorge, Picos de EuropaCares Gorge, Picos de Europa Cares Gorge, Picos de EuropaCares Gorge, Picos de Europa Cares Gorge, Picos de EuropaCares Gorge, Picos de Europa Cares Gorge, Picos de EuropaCares Gorge, Picos de Europa Cares Gorge, Picos de EuropaCares Gorge, Picos de Europa Tree-roots, Cares Gorge, Picos de EuropaTree-roots, Cares Gorge, Picos de Europa

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Destination Photography Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography landscape natural history photography Sun, 21 Aug 2016 15:32:55 GMT
Snow in Cordillera Cantabrica, Northern Spain. Puerto de la VentanaPuerto de la Ventana Puerto de la MesaPuerto de la Mesa Puerto de la VentanaPuerto de la Ventana Puerto de la VentanaPuerto de la Ventana Puerto de la VentanaPuerto de la Ventana Sierra de SobiaSierra de Sobia Sierra de SobiaSierra de Sobia Sierra de SobiaSierra de Sobia Puerto de la VentanaPuerto de la Ventana Puerto de la VentanaPuerto de la Ventana Puerto de la VentanaPuerto de la Ventana

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Destination Photography Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography Spain landscape mountains seasonal photography snowscapes Mon, 09 May 2016 10:06:21 GMT
Random shots for Easter Bateman's HouseBateman's House Desert roadDesert road MarjorelleMarjorelle Obroc beehivesObroc beehives Painted CartPainted Cart Rustington BeachRustington Beach St. Martha's HillSt. Martha's Hill Tin Mal routeTin Mal route Via Dei CoronariVia Dei Coronari Villa Doria PamphiljVilla Doria Pamphilj West End BenchWest End Bench WoolwichWoolwich

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Black Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography White and landscape natural history photography photography" random photography Wed, 23 Mar 2016 14:36:33 GMT
Valencian monuments. The many varied buildings of Valencia. View from Catedral de ValènciaView from Catedral de València View from Torres de Quart Valencia_View from Torres de Quart Valencia_ View from Catedral de ValènciaView from Catedral de València Torres de Serranos ValenciaTorres de Serranos Valencia Street Art ValenciaStreet Art Valencia Plaza Ayuntamiento ValenciaPlaza Ayuntamiento Valencia Plaza de La Virgen ValenciaPlaza de La Virgen Valencia Pont de Regne ValenciaPont de Regne Valencia Plaça de la Companyia from Carrier dels CordellatsPlaça de la Companyia from Carrier dels Cordellats Oceanogràfic Valencia_Oceanogràfic Valencia_ Near Jardí Botànic ValenciaNear Jardí Botànic Valencia Museo de Carmen ValenciaMuseo de Carmen Valencia Mercado Central ValenciaMercado Central Valencia Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias ValenciaMuseo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias Valencia Mercado Central ValenciaMercado Central Valencia La Lonja ValenciaLa Lonja Valencia La Lonja ValenciaLa Lonja Valencia Iglesia de los Santos Juanes ValenciaIglesia de los Santos Juanes Valencia Calle del Ban dels Pavesos ValenciaCalle del Ban dels Pavesos Valencia Calle de San Andres ValenciaCalle de San Andres Valencia Baños Árabes del AlmiranteBaños Árabes del Almirante Agora Valencia, Spain.Agora Valencia, Spain.View of the Àgora from the dry Turia river bed, Valencia, Spain. Agora Valencia, Spain.Agora Valencia, Spain.View of the Àgora from the dry Turia river bed, Valencia, Spain. Agora Valencia, Spain.Agora Valencia, Spain.View of the Àgora from the dry Turia river bed, Valencia, Spain. Museu de les Ciències Valencia, Spain.Museu de les Ciències Valencia, Spain.View of Museu de les Ciències from the dry Turia river bed, Valencia, Spain. Museu de les Ciències Valencia, Spain.Museu de les Ciències Valencia, Spain.View of Museu de les Ciències from the dry Turia river bed, Valencia, Spain. Museu de les Ciències Valencia, Spain.Museu de les Ciències Valencia, Spain.View of Museu de les Ciències from the dry Turia river bed, Valencia, Spain.

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Destination Photography European Photography Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography cityscapes Mon, 15 Feb 2016 15:07:01 GMT
Dehesa landscape, Narcissi and Merendera, East Portugal. Autumn 2015 Dehesa at Safara, PortugalDehesa at Safara, Portugal Dehesa at Barrancos, PortugalDehesa at Barrancos, Portugal Dehesa at Barrancos, PortugalDehesa at Barrancos, Portugal Narcissus serotiuns at BarrancosNarcissus serotiuns at Barrancos Dehesa at Safara, PortugalDehesa at Safara, Portugal Dehesa at Barrancos, PortugalDehesa at Barrancos, Portugal Dehesa at Safara, PortugalDehesa at Safara, Portugal

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Destination Photography Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography landscape natural history photography seasonal photography Mon, 25 Jan 2016 11:32:34 GMT
Black and White transformations. 2015 Ridgeway treesRidgeway trees Arc de TriumfArc de Triumf Eden ProjectEden Project Exmoor Devon ruinExmoor Devon ruin Paddle Steamer, Elbe, Hamburg.Paddle Steamer, Elbe, Hamburg.Paddle of a Paddle Steamer, Elbe, Hamburg. Blue Door, GermanyBlue Door, Germany Porches, PortugalPorches, Portugal AljezurAljezur BoliqueimeBoliqueime Barrancos, PortugalBarrancos, Portugal JabugoJabugo

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Black and White Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography fine art landscape manipulated Sun, 06 Dec 2015 16:26:45 GMT
Jabugo, Spain; home of the finest ham, jamon Iberica. Jabugo, SpainJabugo, Spain Jabugo, SpainJabugo, Spain Jabugo, SpainJabugo, Spain Jabugo, SpainJabugo, Spain Jabugo, SpainJabugo, Spain Jabugo, SpainJabugo, Spain Jabugo, SpainJabugo, Spain Jabugo, SpainJabugo, Spain Jabugo, SpainJabugo, Spain Jabugo, SpainJabugo, Spain Jabugo, SpainJabugo, Spain Jabugo, SpainJabugo, Spain Jabugo, SpainJabugo, Spain Jabugo, SpainJabugo, Spain

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Destination Photography Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography architecture landscape seasonal photography Tue, 27 Oct 2015 12:07:07 GMT
Approaching the mighty decent into Valle de Pineta. Morron de ArrabloMorron de Arrablo Sierra CustodiaSierra Custodia Collada de ArrablaCollada de Arrabla Punta CustodiaPunta Custodia Faja de la TormosaFaja de la Tormosa Faja de la TormosaFaja de la Tormosa

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Destination Photography Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography landscape natural history photography seasonal photography Sat, 10 Oct 2015 16:30:00 GMT
The Eden Project, Cornwall. Eden ProjectEden Project Eden ProjectEden Project Eden ProjectEden Project Eden ProjectEden Project Eden ProjectEden Project Eden ProjectEden Project Eden ProjectEden Project Eden ProjectEden Project

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Destination Photography Jon Wilson Photography; London: landscape natural history photography seasonal photography Mon, 21 Sep 2015 11:09:07 GMT
Jewels from Canyon Anisclo. Pinguicula grandifloraPinguicula grandiflora Helianthemum nummularium var. roseumHelianthemum nummularium var. roseum Silene acaulisSilene acaulis AA Potentilla alchimilloidesPotentilla alchimilloides SaxifragaSaxifraga GeraniumGeranium Hieracium alpinum agg.Hieracium alpinum agg. Erigeron alpinusErigeron alpinus Leontopodium alpinumLeontopodium alpinum Gentiana vernaGentiana verna

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Destination Photography Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography natural history photography seasonal photography Thu, 03 Sep 2015 11:54:46 GMT
A walk into the Pyrenees. Circo de GorizCirco de Goriz Below Punta de las Olas, PyreneesBelow Punta de las Olas, Pyrenees Monte PerdidoMonte Perdido Monte PerdidoMonte Perdido Circo de GorizCirco de Goriz Canon de AniscloCanon de Anisclo Sierra CustodiaSierra Custodia

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Destination Photography Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography landscape natural history photography seasonal photography Tue, 25 Aug 2015 18:21:33 GMT
As Spring gives way to Summer. Helleborus orientalisHelleborus orientalis Erythronium dens-canis Fritillaria meleagrisErythronium dens-canis Fritillaria meleagris Fritillaria meleagrisFritillaria meleagris Trollius europaeusTrollius europaeus Meconopsis cambricaMeconopsis cambrica Malus huphensisMalus huphensis Geranium pratenseGeranium pratenseMeadow Cranesbill (Geranium pratense) is one of the showiest species in the UK geranium genus. A plant of unimproved meadows and grasslands and woodland margins. Colour can vary from mauve, blue, lavender and rarely, white. Persicaria bistortaPersicaria bistorta Paeonia broteriPaeonia broteri Narcissus sp.Narcissus sp. Ophrys sphegodesOphrys sphegodes Rosa spinosissimaRosa spinosissima Saxifraga sp.Saxifraga sp. Narcissus cyclamineusNarcissus cyclamineus Acacia pycnanthaAcacia pycnantha

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Destination Photography Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography natural history photography seasonal photography Sun, 31 May 2015 16:22:29 GMT
Wild seascapes of Western Portugal Bala da ArquinhaBala da Arquinha Bala da ArquinhaBala da Arquinha Benagil sea caveBenagil sea cave Benagil sea caveBenagil sea cave BenagilBenagil BenagilBenagil Cliffs at Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa VicentinaCliffs at Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina Cliffs at Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa VicentinaCliffs at Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina Entrada da BarcaEntrada da Barca Medo da PipaMedo da Pipa Cliffs at Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa VicentinaCliffs at Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina Medo da PipaMedo da Pipa Medo da PipaMedo da Pipa Ponta da AtalaiaPonta da Atalaia Ponta da AtalaiaPonta da Atalaia Praia da AmoreiraPraia da Amoreira Praia da AmoreiraPraia da Amoreira Praia de OdeceixePraia de Odeceixe Praia do CastelejoPraia do Castelejo Zamujeira do MarZamujeira do Mar Zamujeira do MarZamujeira do Mar

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Destination Photography Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography landscape natural history photography seasonal photography Wed, 22 Apr 2015 10:02:10 GMT
Aljezur, Portugal. ​A most attractive Portuguse village with a Moorish castle overlooking the river. AljezurAljezur AljezurAljezur AljezurAljezur AljezurAljezur AljezurAljezur Aljezur CastleAljezur Castle AljezurAljezur AljezurAljezur AljezurAljezur Aljezur CastleAljezur Castle

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Destination Photography Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography Portuguse architecture landscape seasonal photography Wed, 01 Apr 2015 14:25:25 GMT
Walking in the Surrey Hills BroadmoorBroadmoor Leith HillLeith Hill BlackheathBlackheath PeaslakePeaslake BlackheathBlackheath BroadmoorBroadmoor ChillworthChillworth BroadmoorBroadmoor BroadmoorBroadmoor BroadmoorBroadmoor BlackheathBlackheath St. Martha's HillSt. Martha's Hill

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography landscape natural history photography orchid photography seasonal photography Mon, 09 Mar 2015 14:20:00 GMT
White Villages of Andalucia in Spectacular settings. Abandoned Village near FrigillianaAbandoned Village near Frigilliana Abandoned Village near FrigillianaAbandoned Village near Frigilliana BubiónBubión Cabo RocheCabo Roche CapileiraCapileira El BurgoEl Burgo El BurgoEl Burgo FregenalFregenal FrigillianaFrigilliana GrazalemaGrazalema Puebla de la ReinaPuebla de la Reina Vejer de la FronteraVejer de la Frontera Vejer de la FronteraVejer de la Frontera Villafranca de los BarrosVillafranca de los Barros YunqueraYunquera Zahara de los AtunesZahara de los Atunes

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Destination Photography Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography landscape seasonal photography Tue, 03 Feb 2015 11:57:58 GMT
The Anchors of Puerto de Conil, SW Spain. Old anchors from the Tuna fishing heyday lie rusting by the harbour mouth. Anchors at Puerto de ConilAnchors at Puerto de Conil Anchors at Puerto de ConilAnchors at Puerto de Conil Anchors at Puerto de ConilAnchors at Puerto de Conil Anchors at Puerto de ConilAnchors at Puerto de Conil Anchors at Puerto de ConilAnchors at Puerto de Conil Anchors at Puerto de ConilAnchors at Puerto de Conil

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Destination Photography Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography landscape local photography portrait Sun, 28 Dec 2014 11:03:30 GMT
Costa de la Luz Mid-November at the Playas of the Atlantic coast of Spain Cabo de TrafalgarCabo de Trafalgar Cabo de TrafalgarCabo de Trafalgar La Brena y Marismas de BarbateLa Brena y Marismas de Barbate Playa del PuercoPlaya del Puerco Oyster beds at Playa del PuercoOyster beds at Playa del Puerco Cabo de TrafalgarCabo de Trafalgar La Brena y Marismas de BarbateLa Brena y Marismas de Barbate Oyster beds at Playa del PuercoOyster beds at Playa del Puerco Ensenada de BoloniaEnsenada de Bolonia Cliffs at Puerto de ConilCliffs at Puerto de Conil Oyster beds at Playa del PuercoOyster beds at Playa del Puerco Playa del PuercoPlaya del Puerco La Brena y Marismas de BarbateLa Brena y Marismas de Barbate Oyster beds at Playa del PuercoOyster beds at Playa del Puerco Playa del PuercoPlaya del Puerco

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Destination Photography Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography landscape natural history photography seasonal photography Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:47:27 GMT
Ascent of Prisank. One of the many amazing limestone peaks in Slovenia. view from Prisankview from Prisank Descent of PrisankDescent of Prisank PrisankPrisank view from Prisankview from Prisank

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Destination Photography Jon Wilson Photography; London: natural history photography Fri, 07 Nov 2014 10:13:16 GMT
Cefalà Diana, Sicily. Putative Arab termarium and Norman castle, Cefalà Diana, Sicily. Cefalà DianaCefalà Diana Cefalà Diana Norman CastleCefalà Diana Norman Castle Cefalà Diana Arabic BathsCefalà Diana Arabic Baths Cefalà Diana Norman CastleCefalà Diana Norman Castle Cefalà Diana Arabic BathsCefalà Diana Arabic Baths Cefalà Diana Norman CastleCefalà Diana Norman Castle Cefalà Diana Arabic BathsCefalà Diana Arabic Baths Cefalà Diana Arabic BathsCefalà Diana Arabic Baths

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography archaeology architectural photography historical photography portrait Fri, 10 Oct 2014 15:00:00 GMT
Slovenia Summer days in the Julian Alps. Bohinjska Bela hayrickBohinjska Bela hayrick Bohinjska BelaBohinjska Bela road near Zg. Gorje_road near Zg. Gorje_ MartuljekMartuljek Sava Bohinjka fly fishingSava Bohinjka fly fishing Zg. GorjeZg. Gorje Soca River Old HutSoca River Old Hut Bled Jezero stationBled Jezero station HotunjeHotunje Pokljuka Plateau hayrickPokljuka Plateau hayrick Pokljuka GorgePokljuka Gorge Pokljuka GorgePokljuka Gorge HotunjeHotunje

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Destination Photography Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography seasonal photography Sun, 28 Sep 2014 23:15:00 GMT
The Hampton Estate, Surrey. This is the heart of a very large private Estate which includes the Hog's Back and land to the south. Hampton EstateHampton Estate Hampton EstateHampton Estate Hampton EstateHampton Estate Hampton EstateHampton Estate Hampton EstateHampton Estate Hampton EstateHampton Estate

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Destination Photography Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography landscape natural history photography seasonal photography Sun, 21 Sep 2014 08:54:15 GMT
A haze of English Lavender, near Banstead, Surrey. Lavandula angustifoliaLavandula angustifolia Lavandula angustifoliaLavandula angustifolia Lavandula angustifoliaLavandula angustifolia Lavandula angustifoliaLavandula angustifolia Lavandula angustifoliaLavandula angustifolia Lavandula angustifoliaLavandula angustifolia Lavandula angustifoliaLavandula angustifolia Lavandula angustifoliaLavandula angustifolia Lavandula angustifoliaLavandula angustifolia Lavandula angustifoliaLavandula angustifolia Lavandula angustifoliaLavandula angustifolia Lavandula angustifoliaLavandula angustifolia Lavandula angustifoliaLavandula angustifolia Lavandula angustifoliaLavandula angustifolia

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Destination Photography Jon Wilson Photography; London: natural history photography seasonal photography Thu, 17 Jul 2014 12:36:34 GMT
Box Hill, 3rd. July, NO people, Sunny too :) Box HillBox Hill DenbiesDenbies Box HillBox Hill Box HillBox Hill Box HillBox Hill DenbiesDenbies Box HillBox Hill

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography landscape natural history photography seasonal photography Wed, 09 Jul 2014 19:31:58 GMT
Some recent and not-so-recent portraits. BarbaraBarbara KatieKatie VanessaVanessa VampgirlVampgirl JessJess KatieKatie ZoeZoe NatashaNatasha

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Destination Photography Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography portrait Tue, 03 Jun 2014 09:42:12 GMT
Bluebells and Blue Skies North Downs Bluebell woods on a clear sunny Sunday Mupe Bay, DorsetMupe Bay, Dorsetcoastal erosion in purbeck beds, the mupe formation, distant cliffs are chalk Hyacinthoides non-scriptusHyacinthoides non-scriptus Parque Nacional de las Canadas del Teide, erosion of lava, TenerifeParque Nacional de las Canadas del Teide, erosion of lava, TenerifeExtreme erosion of lava in the dormant crater (last eruption 1909) of Teidi producing fantastcal formations supporting a wide range of flora, a number of which, are endemic Hyacinthoides non-scriptusHyacinthoides non-scriptus Valley of Rocks, North DevonValley of Rocks, North Devona coastal coombe created during the Ice Age with spectacular weathered rock formations with names such as ' The Devil's Cheesering' Hyacinthoides non-scriptusHyacinthoides non-scriptus Bulnes, Picos de EuropaBulnes, Picos de Europa Hyacinthoides non-scriptusHyacinthoides non-scriptus Vignomale, SpainVignomale, Spain

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography landscape natural history photography seasonal photography Mon, 12 May 2014 10:26:31 GMT
Brompton Cemetery Just off the Fulham Road, Brompton Cemetery is a quiet retreat managed by the Royal Parks of London. Brompton CemeteryBrompton Cemetery Brompton CemeteryBrompton Cemetery Brompton CemeteryBrompton Cemetery Brompton CemeteryBrompton Cemetery Brompton CemeteryBrompton Cemetery Brompton CemeteryBrompton Cemetery Brompton CemeteryBrompton Cemetery Brompton CemeteryBrompton Cemetery

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography landscape local photography natural history photography Thu, 01 May 2014 10:54:02 GMT
Some old doors and gates Old doorways and gates fascinate me. They can shut you out or shut you in. Maybe the same! German DoorGerman Door Chilworth Gunpowder PlantChilworth Gunpowder Plant GateGate Knole DoorKnole Door ThursleyThursley FarnhamFarnham St. John's SquareSt. John's Square Lower SlaughterLower Slaughter WappingWapping BanksideBankside Duomo, MilanDuomo, Milan Fame's RoughFame's Rough Derb DjamaDerb Djama Blue doorBlue door

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Jon Wilson Photography; London: image manipulation landscape Mon, 07 Apr 2014 14:12:34 GMT
Some Spring colour at last A couple of walks in the woods of Sussex and Surrey show that Spring sunshine has arrived. Narcissus pseudonarcissusNarcissus pseudonarcissus Lysichiton americanumLysichiton americanum Anemone blandaAnemone blanda Leucojum vernumLeucojum vernum Vinca majorVinca major Corylus avellana catkinsCorylus avellana catkins Narcissus pseudonarcissusNarcissus pseudonarcissus Primula vulgarisPrimula vulgaris

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Jon Wilson Photography; London: natural history photography seasonal photography Wed, 19 Mar 2014 10:37:30 GMT
Various Sheds of Grey. I have been photographing abandoned and derelict sheds for a few years now and have often thought they would make a good exhibition. I also think they work well in black and white. RanmoreRanmore Norbury ParkNorbury Park Portland BillPortland Bill Leith HillLeith Hill BedgeburyBedgebury West WitteringWest Wittering Coley HillColey Hill AlfristonAlfriston BedgeburyBedgebury ComptonCompton HaslemereHaslemere Leith HillLeith Hill

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography abandoned buildings black and white exhibition landscape manipulated image Mon, 27 Jan 2014 14:51:40 GMT
Will it reach freezing point this December? A selection of pictures taken earlier this year when the temperature was considerably below freezing point! Esher CommonEsher Common Winey HillWiney Hill ClaygateClaygate ClaygateClaygate Snowy Sign PostSnowy Sign Post Claygate SnowClaygate Snow Box HillBox Hill

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography landscape natural history photography Mon, 16 Dec 2013 12:18:47 GMT
Southern Morocco As I look out upon the grey and rain washed skies, I think it time to visit here again!! Ait-Ben-HaddouAit-Ben-Haddou The Body RocksThe Body Rocks 52 jours52 jours Dades GorgeDades Gorge AroumdAroumd Ait-Ben-HaddouAit-Ben-Haddou Erg ChigagaErg Chigaga El Badi PalaceEl Badi Palace Dades GorgeDades Gorge Toukbal ascentToukbal ascent

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Destination Photography Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography landscape travel travel photography Tue, 22 Oct 2013 11:32:51 GMT
Two Apsects of the Yorkshire Dales The limestone features of the North Yorkshire Dales reveal many treasures such as the drystone and stone barns of Swaledale and the amazing natural limestone pavements of Ingleborough. Limestone barns in Birkdale, Swaledale, YorkshireLimestone barns in Birkdale, Swaledale, YorkshireSwaledale has a large number of traditional stone barns either set in fields apart or as a component of the ubiquitous dry stone walls Limestone barns in Birkdale, Swaledale, YorkshireLimestone barns in Birkdale, Swaledale, YorkshireSwaledale has a large number of traditional stone barns either set in fields apart or as a component of the ubiquitous dry stone walls Limestone barns in Birkdale, Swaledale, YorkshireLimestone barns in Birkdale, Swaledale, YorkshireSwaledale has a large number of traditional stone barns either set in fields apart or as a component of the ubiquitous dry stone walls Southerscales Limesone Pavement, Ingelborough, Yorkshire DalesSoutherscales Limesone Pavement, Ingelborough, Yorkshire Daleslimestone pavements are formed when advancing glaciers erode overburden exposing horizontally bedded limestone; subsequent glacial retreat leaves behind a flat bare surface; limestone is soluable in rainwater so corrosive drainage along joints and cracks produce slabs called "clints" isolated by deep fissures called "grikes" Southerscales Limesone Pavement, Ingelborough, Yorkshire DalesSoutherscales Limesone Pavement, Ingelborough, Yorkshire Daleslimestone pavements are formed when advancing glaciers erode overburden exposing horizontally bedded limestone, subsequent retreat leaves behind a bare surface; limestone is soluable in rainwater so corrosive drainage along joints and cracks produce slabs called "clints" isolated by deep fissures called "grikes" Southerscales Limesone Pavement, Ingelborough, Yorkshire DalesSoutherscales Limesone Pavement, Ingelborough, Yorkshire Daleslimestone pavements are formed when advancing glaciers erode overburden to expose horizontally bedded limestone, subsequent retreat leaves behind a bare surface; limestone is soluable in rainwater so corrosive drainage along joints and cracks produce slabs called "clints" isolated by deep fissures called "grikes" Southerscales Limesone Pavement, Ingelborough, Yorkshire DalesSoutherscales Limesone Pavement, Ingelborough, Yorkshire Daleslimestone pavements are formed when advancing glaciers erode overburden exposing horizontally bedded limestone; subsequent retreat leaves behind a bare surface; limestone is soluable in rainwater so corrosive drainage along joints and slabs called clints isolated by fissures called grikes

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography landscape natural history photography Wed, 09 Oct 2013 21:12:48 GMT
Alresford, Hampshire 2013 Two weeks ago I visited Alresford in Hampshire which is where I lived for a year some while ago! Not much has changed and the cottage I was living in currently for sale. It is similar to the cottage with the river flowing under (see below). Lots of watercress is still grown!Alresford Alresford Alresford River Alres Watercress beds, Alresford Alresford Old Alresford Pond

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Destination Photography Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography landscape natural history photography seasonal photography Wed, 21 Aug 2013 11:27:14 GMT
La Tonnara del Secco, San Vito, Sicily A short photo essay on an ancient abandoned Tonnara, ( a place for processing tuna fish) in San Vito in the north west of Sicily. Apart from interesting architecture there are curious plants in the garden of the villa, once the home of the owner. Almonds, mandarins and Aloe vera were all presentLa Tonnara del Secco La Tonnara del Secco La Tonnara del Secco La Tonnara del Secco La Tonnara del Secco La Tonnara del Secco La Tonnara del Secco La Tonnara del Secco La Tonnara del Secco

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography Sicily destination photography landscape Wed, 07 Aug 2013 17:16:49 GMT
Intriguing (and some rare!) cornfield weeds, June 2013 A small selection of declining cornfield weeds. Some of these are small and require seeking out!Centaurea cyanus Bupleurum rotundifolium Ranunculus arvensis Antirrhinum orontium Papaver rhoeas Ajuga chamaepitys Melampyrum arvense

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography cornfield weeds flower photography natural history photography Wed, 03 Jul 2013 10:53:46 GMT
Orchids of Deepest Kent A few Orchids from Deepest Kent woodland taken on Father's Day 2013Park Gate Down Orchis simia Dactylorhiza fuchsii var. alba Orchis purpurea Orchis purpurea Dactylorhiza fuchsii Orchis simia Platanthera chlorantha Aquilegia vulgaris

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography natural history photography orchid photography wildlife Tue, 18 Jun 2013 10:37:12 GMT
Gloucestershire June 1st 2013 I met with my son for the weekend in Cheltenham and we walked through the Cotswolds to some amazing villages...and the weather was glorious!!! We started with Upper and Lower Slaughter and then walked to Chedworth along the abandoned railway.Windrush Way Upper Slaughter Upper Slaughter Upper Slaughter Lower Slaughter Lower Slaughter Chedworth Chedworth Chedworth Cassey Compton

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography landscape local photography villages Wed, 12 Jun 2013 17:59:35 GMT
Photoshoot with Sian Here is a selection of pictures from a photoshoot with Sian.

We met at Hatchlands in Surrey on the May bank holiday which turned out to be a glorious sunny day.

The estate has many photo opportunities including an ice house!Sian Sian Sian Sian Sian Sian Sian Sian Sian

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Destination Photography Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography portrait seasonal photography Fri, 17 May 2013 12:09:48 GMT
Villages of Andalucia and Extremadura. I visited Andalucia and Extremadura, Spain, in mid-February to photograph wild plants and managed to take pictures of various villages which look somewhat different in the early part of the year.Puebla de la Reina Fregenal Villafranca de los Barros Aracena Bridge over Rio Ardila Villafranca de los Barros Grazalema Aracena El Burgo Grazalema

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Jon Wilson Photography; London: Spain Spanish views buildings landscape location photography Mon, 29 Apr 2013 11:44:40 GMT
Mini Photo Shoot with Susie I met up with Susie in London at the Photographer's Gallery for a quick portrait shoot in one of the gallery windows.Susie Susie Susie Susie Susie Susie Susie Susie Susie Susie

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Destination Photography Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography image manipulation natural history photography Tue, 09 Apr 2013 13:28:29 GMT
New Year's Day on Rustington Beach, West Susex New Year's Day, 2013, was a very sunny one indeed! I walked along this shingle beach with friends with whom I shared New Year's Eve.Rustington Beach Rustington Beach Beach Hut Door Sunset at Rustington Beach Rustington Beach Beach Huts Rustington Beach Sunset at Rustington Beach Sunset at Rustington Beach Rustington Beach

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography image manipulation landscape local photography seasonal photography Tue, 12 Feb 2013 13:03:27 GMT
Rome, November 2012 Some photographs from a recent visit to Rome. It was November and the weather was glorious and warm. Met with friends and enjoyed lots of red wine and pasta plus a bit of culture!!!Via Dei Coronari Roman Street Septimus Severus Via Dei Coronari Via Dei Coronari Via Portuensa Near the Pantheon Pantheon Galleria Spada Villa Doria Pamphilj Trastevere Villa Doria Pamphilj Via Dei Coronari Sant'Ignazio Via Del Quirinale Roman Knocker The 'hole of Rome"

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Destination Photography Detail Photography Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography Roma Rome Photography architecture Thu, 06 Dec 2012 15:03:26 GMT
Reprocessing a few images from Dorset. These photographs were from a workshop in Dorset and I recently thought I would do a spot of reprocessing in RAW editing in CS5Portland Lighthouse Kimmeridge Weymouth Ropes Portland Huts Chesil Beach Portland Davit Kimmeridge Portland

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography image manipulation landscape local photography natural history photography seasonal photography Thu, 06 Dec 2012 14:36:27 GMT
A preview of Autumn, Surrey A selection of Autumnal captures taken around woodlands and riversides. Autumn Colour Autumn Colour Autumn Colour Autumn Colour Autumn Colour Autumn Colour

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Autumn Jon Wilson Photography; London: landscape local photography natural history photography seasonal photography Wed, 24 Oct 2012 18:02:01 GMT
A Day At The Hasselblad Studio Some photographs captured on Hasselblad H4D40, 50 and 60 cameras together with some HC lenses. Lighting was the amazing ( and costly!) Broncolor system. All taken at the Hoxton Hasselblad studio with the very charming Katie Green.

Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Broncolor Hasselblad Hasselblad lenses Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography lightning"portrait studio photography Mon, 15 Oct 2012 15:11:28 GMT
Twizziling the pixels again!!! I sometimes like to push and pulsate the pixel boundaries. Here are a few recent manipulations!!!Sedgehill Mozia Aster The Seven Sisters viewed from Birling Gap, East Sussex Palermo Lake Painted Button Marsala Crystal Pitch Hill Bushy Park Bushy Park Star Trails Segesta Salt Lagoon Julian Alps Groynes Orto Botanico Desert Rock Foro Italica

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) photo art Jon Wilson Photography; London: image manipulation landscapes pixel tweaking Thu, 13 Sep 2012 19:43:57 GMT
British Wild Orchids 2012 Despite the Spring and Summer of 2012 being somewhat wet and sun-free the wild orchid populations did surprisingly well. And there were some glorious days. Here is a small selection form Southern England.

Epipactis palustris Dactylorhiza fuchsii Epipactis palustris Dactylorhiza x grandis Dactylorhiza viridis Cephalanthera damasonium Neotinea ustulata Neotinea ustulata Ophrys apifera Orchis simia Spiranthes spiralis Dactylorhiza incarnata ssp. incarnata Ophrys insectifera Ophrys x pietzchii

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Jon Wilson Photography; London: macro-photography natural history photography orchid photography plant portraits" Tue, 11 Sep 2012 15:31:45 GMT
Abney Cemetery, Stoke Newington I was shooting some student accommodation in Stoke Newington (Nikolaus Pevsner confessed that he found it hard to see the district as being in London at all.) I took some time out to visit this extraordinary cemetery with its tumbled and overgrown graves and statuary.Abney Cemetery Abney Cemetery Abney Cemetery Abney Cemetery Abney Cemetery Abney Cemetery Abney Cemetery Abney Cemetery Abney Cemetery

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Jon Wilson Photography Location Photography black and white cityscape image manipulation landscape Mon, 03 Sep 2012 10:04:53 GMT
Olympic Cycle Race 2012 Exciting times in Esher this week as the Men and Women's Olympic cycle race came through the town centre.

The first day was for the men and it was sunny and warm; however the second day was rainy for the women.

Huge crowds turned out for both days and I think that the women came through the town at a faster pace!

Olympics 2012 Olympic Men's Cycle Race Olympic Men's Cycle Race Olympic Men's Cycle Race Olympic Men's Cycle Race Olympic Men's Cycle Race Olympic Men's Cycle Race Olympic Men's Cycle Race Olympic Men's Cycle Race Olympic Ladies Cycle Race Olympic Ladies Cycle Race Olympic Ladies Cycle Race Olympic Ladies Cycle Race Olympic Ladies Cycle Race Olympic Ladies Cycle Race

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography event photography portrait Tue, 31 Jul 2012 18:26:26 GMT
A Recent Caneletto Moment The Royal Pageant on the Thames in early June reminded me of Caneletto's paintings of Venice canals, especially the man-powered boats.

So, here are some shots, despite the rain, of the flotilla.Diamond Jubilee Diamond Jubilee Diamond Jubilee Diamond Jubilee Diamond Jubilee Diamond Jubilee Diamond Jubilee Diamond Jubilee Diamond Jubilee Diamond Jubilee

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography Thu, 19 Jul 2012 20:26:52 GMT
Club Class English Language School From a recent commission shooting images for a newly opened English Language School. Based in Malta, the new School opened two weeks ago in beautifully refurbished premises in Holborn.Elevation Club Class Students Teaching Space Club Class Students Library Internet Cafe Club Class Students Club Class Students Club Class Students Entrance Club Class Students Club Class Students Club Class Students Stair well Students Club Class Students

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography event photography interiors portrait property photography Mon, 02 Jul 2012 11:43:51 GMT
Desierto de Tabernas Il desierto de Tabernas is a desert in South East Spain in the province of Almeria.

Amazing geology and landforms including deep near vertical barrancos and arryos where the only vegetation grows.

Similar to the USA badlands they were used for film locations for spaghetti westerns.

Scans from Velvia film stock.Desierto De Tabernas Desierto De Tabernas Desierto De Tabernas Desierto De Tabernas Desierto De Tabernas Desierto De Tabernas

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Jon Wilson Photography; London: image scans landscape landscape photography scans from transparencies Wed, 20 Jun 2012 16:53:21 GMT
A Springtime Capture You can never hold back Spring..... a few hints from the hedgerows and hillsPolygonatum multiflorum Anthyllis vulneraria var. coccinea Pulsatilla vulgaris Aster amelus Paeonia mascula Leucojum aestevum Maple leaves

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Jon Wilson Photography; London: botany flowers natural history natural history photography Thu, 03 May 2012 14:56:31 GMT
Sam And Kitty Sam and Kitty are great friends and both are talented musicians. This is a small selection of pictures shot around Sam's

house and studio. A fun filled afternoon shoot!

Kitty and Sam Sam and Kitty Kitty and Sam Sam and Kitty Kitty and Sam Sam and Kitty Sam and Kitty Kitty and Sam Kitty and Sam

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Jon Wilson Photography; London: Location Photography image manipulation portrait Fri, 06 Apr 2012 09:16:05 GMT
Ellie and Paul's Wedding Ellie and Paul were married in Hackney Town Hall; in the Council Chamber.

Later they adjourned to the Canal Museum for a really great reception
Ellie and Paul Ellie and Paul Ellie and Paul Ellie and Paul Ellie and Paul Ellie and Paul Ellie and Paul Ellie and Paul Ellie and Paul Ellie and Paul Ellie and Paul

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) Ellie and Paul Jon Wilson Photography; London: photographer" portrait wedding wedding photography Mon, 12 Mar 2012 13:54:57 GMT
Elena Elena and I met on the South Bank for a photo shoot using interesting architecture, structures and bits and pieces that were by the river Thames. Although November the day was warm! The interior of the Tate Modern proved particularly rewarding.Elena Elena

Elena Elena Elena Elena Elena Elena Elena Elena

[email protected] (Jon Wilson Photography) 2011 Elena Jon Wilson Photography; London: South Bank Thames portrait Sun, 04 Mar 2012 14:25:00 GMT